The following study guide had been created for use with the book “Black Catholics on the Road to Sainthood” (OSV, $9.95). It is suitable for individual or group study.
Opening Prayer to be used before each lesson
Closing Prayer to be used at the end of each lesson (also on Pages 108-109)
Let us pray!
Lord God, you are praised, adored, and loved through the lives and example of your servants. May it please you to work wonders by the intercession of these servants through whom your glory shines. In them we see humanity’s true greatness, a sign of your favor and blessing. Through them we are drawn more deeply into the mystery of your Son’s saving love.
Even as we pray that the Church will one day designate them as canonized saints, may their witness bring transformation to our lives.
Like Mother Mary Lange, may our faith shine brightly amid hardship so that we will trust always in your providence. Like Julia Greeley, may our hope remain intact despite the darkness and pain in our lives. Like Pierre Toussaint, may our hearts be aflame with charity for all your children. Like Father Augustus Tolton, may we be instruments of unity and reconciliation, not embittered by our sufferings. Like Mother Henriette Delille, may we persevere in our calling, no matter the obstacles, so that we may serve all in your name. Like Sister Thea Bowman, may we sing your wonders tirelessly, to greatest and least alike.
And above all else, Lord, help us to follow your Son each day. Through him, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, may we come to worship you with all the angels and saints for ever and ever. Amen
Venerable Pierre Toussaint
Some have accused Venerable Pierre Toussaint as being complicit with the culture of slavery because he did not fight to liberate his people and did not purchase his own legal freedom. Why might this be a false assumption?
Toussaint, like so many, faced marginalization in the Church. Based on what is relayed about his own life, why does it seem he remained Catholic?
Toussaint is the only Black Catholic candidate for canonization who was married. In what ways can the marriage of Toussaint and his wife inspire other married couples?
Offer the prayer for Toussaint’s beatification (Page 30).
Venerable Henriette Delille
How might God have been working even through the ugliness of racial hatred in Henriette Delille’s day, particularly through her foundation of the Sisters of the Holy Family?
In what ways was conversion central to Delille’s story of holiness?
How can Delille’s perseverance inspire us today?
Offer the prayer for Delille’s beatification (Page 44).
Venerable Augustus Tolton
What about Augustus Tolton’s upbringing shaped his ministry and gave him a heart for the poor and marginalized?
How can Tolton’s story inspire us to trust that all things work for the good for those who love God? (cf. Rom 8:28)
What are some of the lessons in Tolton’s life that show suffering has a purpose in the Christian life?
Offer the prayer for Tolton’s beatification (Pages 57-58).
Servant of God Mary Lange
What can we learn from the fact that a woman of Mary Lange’s status and talents would not let go of the calling to religious life?
How does humility illuminate Lange’s life?
In what ways can we learn from Lange’s trust in God’s providence?
Offer the prayer for Lange’s beatification (Pages 71-72).
Servant of God Julia Greeley
What can we learn from Julia Greeley’s mutual love for the Eucharist and her service to the poor?
Greeley’s life was a lesson of turning life’s lemons into lemonade. How can she inspire us to accept the trials we face in life?
What are some of the characteristics of Christ’s Sacred Heart that we find in Greeley’s own?
Offer the prayer for Greeley’s beatification (Pages 85-86).
Servant of God Thea Bowman
How can Sister Thea Bowman teach us to be more attentive to the cultures that form and shape the members of our society?
What are some ways Bowman teaches us to be more joyful in our proclamation of the Gospel?
How can Bowman’s life instruct us to be “fully functioning” disciples?
Offer the prayer for Bowman’s beatification (Pages 97-98).
Images courtesy of National Black Catholic Congress.